Sunday, March 11, 2012

Why everyone should use a planner!

I don’t know about you, but the only time in my life I’ve ever used a planner is for school. I actually did until the day I graduated. However, that was all I used it for! I wrote assignments in, upcoming tests, presentations, drama and band rehearsals. You know, everything that mattered to school.

About a month or so ago, I decided I need a planner for life. And let me tell you, it was the best investment I could have made.

For a while, things would slip through the cracks. I would forget to call someone, or send an e-mail. One time, I even forgot I had to work! Since I’ve bought my planner, I’ve been more organized then ever!

With a schedule like mine, full of meetings, work, assignments and lots of other tasks, having a planner is essential. And it can be essential to you as well. Not only have I completed things I needed to on a more regular basis, using a planner has cleared my head and allowed me to focus more on the things that matter.

I recommend that everyone invest in a planner. I bought mine for only 8bucks! 8 dollars well spent in my opinion, and it can be that way for you too! It takes 5 minutes out of your day to become organized and write in what you have for the week. You’ll thank me in the end.

Now before I end this post, I want to touch on something real quick, my lack of blogging. I’m out and about observing things everyday that I should be writing on. For whatever reason, blogging always slips my mind! From this post forward, I am going to start blogging on a regular basis. So to all of my readers, and to those of you reading my blog for the first time, expect more from me. I’ll have blogging in my planner 4 days a week from now on. David Herndon, this is for you!

Until next time, Joshua LaPeer...out.

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