Saturday, October 22, 2011

"Pay It Forward"

This past Friday, for the first time in I don’t even know how many months, I was sitting at home. I have been craving a day to myself for months now, so it was nice to finally get one.

I first decided to watch the hours upon hours of recorded shows I had on my DVR. After a while, I was starving and needing to move. So I got up, took a shower and went to the local pizza place to grab a bite to eat. When I came home, instead of returning to my recordings, I decided to see what movies were playing on the various channels I have.

That’s when I found Pay it Forward. I had seen the movie several times before, but I decided to go ahead and watch it anyway.

For those who haven’t seen it, the story focuses on 11-year-old Trevor McKinney played by Haley Joel Osment. On his first day of 7th grade his Social Studies teacher (played by Kevin Spacey, in what I believe to be one of his best roles) gives out an assignment to create and put into action a plan that will change the world for the better.
Trevor comes up with “Paying it Forward” a charitable pyramid scheme. Basically, he does three good deeds, but instead of receiving something in return, he asks that they do something kind for three other people. Thus, creating a pyramid scheme of kindness.

I don’t want to give away too much of the movie, but if you haven’t seen it, I HIGHLY recommend it. (It is available on Netflix, for all of you computer users!)

While I was watching the movie, I kept thinking to myself, what if more people did things for others and didn't expect anything in return? Would it actually be a good thing for the world? Or is there a such thing as being too kind?

I thought about this for the rest of the night. I came to the conclusion that maybe, all of us could be a little more helpful.

Christmas is right around the corner. The holidays tend to bring out the best in people, but I’m asking all of you reading this, why can’t we be like that all year? Is it too much of an inconvenience to do something nice for someone? I say, we could all do a little bit to make this world a better place. But it starts with you!

Whatever it is you do, whether it be helping out an elderly neighbor, or simply holding the door open for a stranger. Don’t worry about what you will get out of it; just tell them to PAY IT FORWARD.

Until next time, Joshua LaPeer...out.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Lions, Tigers and Wings, OH MY!

You know, one of the greatest things about living in Detroit is sports. I wouldn't call myself a huge sports fan, but living in a city like Detroit, it's hard not to feel the excitement in the air when one of our teams is doing well.

I think the first time I noticed how exciting sports can be was in 2002, when the Red Wings won the Stanley  Cup. I must admit, hockey was one of the only sports I ever enjoyed. (I even went as far as playing it for a few years!) Seeing the team hold the cup in the air was exciting. My family and a neighbor went downtown the night they won. The streets were packed! It looked like New Years Eve in New York City on Dick Clarks New Years Celebration. 

The thing I remember most about that year, is how proud people we were. How proud we were to say not only are we Wings fans, but we ARE Detroiters! 

Even when the Tigers were not doing so well, if you lived in Detroit, you supported them. You cheered when they were down. And when they were up? You cheered even louder!

Now the lions are coming back! After years and years of losing games, the Lions are looking good. 

But the best thing about the Lions to me? Even when they were losing, WE STOOD BEHIND THEM!

We don't mess around in Detroit. In a town hit hard with the economic downfall, it feels good to turn on the tv and see these heroes. Whether they are on a field or the ice, they are our heroes. They make us proud if they win or lose. You don't have to be a sports fan to feel the PASSION. 

Win or lose, at the end of the day, if you are a Piston, Red Wing, Lion or Tiger, YOU MAKE US PROUD.

Until next time, Joshua LaPeer...out.

Sunday, October 2, 2011


1022. To you, it's a number. No significance at all! (unless of course, your birthday is October 22, but lets not get to detailed here, right?)

To me?

To me, 1022 is not just a number. It's an accomplishment.

Before I get into the significance of the number, let me give you a little background.

First, you have to Picture it, March 2011. I was almost one year out of high school and half-way done with a trade program at Specs Howard School of Media Arts. I could have taken my time at Specs, finished the program in July and run with it. Moved far away from Allen Park and land a crummy radio job in no name, Missouri. Making under minimum wage and eating ramen everyday. I decided however, to run for public office.

From the moment I decided to run for city council, my life changed.

On top of working part-time, going to school and directing a youth theatre, I was now running a campaign! The fame hit quick. I contacted the Allen Park writer of the news herald, hoping to get a small snippet in the paper. He decided to write an entire article. After that, I was contacted by channel 4 and fox 2 Detroit wanting interviews. The channel 4 story even hit CNN. I was getting e-mails and donations from all over the country.

The most surreal moment in the entire campaign was getting a phone call from FoxNews (yes, the NATIONAL news network) wanting an interview. They were going to send a car to pick me up and then give me a live five minute interview. Unfortunately, the possibility of a federal government shut down in early April cancelled my interview.

Yes, the interview was cancelled, but can any of my friends say they were a feature story on CNN?!

I could ramble on and on about all of the time, money and energy I spent on the election, but I'm going to jump forward through that and get to the point of this.

In order to make it to the general election, you had to place 12 out of 19. I landed at 13. Votes shy of claiming a victory.


Thats how many votes I got. 1022 people took time out of their day because they believed in me. Can you believe that?! I still look back on it and can't.

I fell in love this year. I fell in love with the political process. I fell in love with getting involved by going to meetings and taking time out of my day to see how people feel about issues impacting their lives.

I wouldn't change a thing in my life right now because I'm doing what I love.

Henry David Thoreau once said "Do what you love. Know your own bone; gnaw at it, bury it, unearth it, and gnaw it still." 

The reason I'm so proud of the 1022 votes I earned is because I loved and still love every second of it. It sounds funny doesn't it? It sounds funny, that a number is the Juliet of my life. I hope you are proud of the accomplishments you have made, doing what you love.

I want to end my first post with a question. Think about it. Absorb it. When you can answer it, ask other people. Spread it around like a wild fire. Are you doing what you love?

Until next time, Joshua LaPeer...out.